Holistic wellness
by Eloise Lonobile

The five constitutions in TCM

According to Chinese philosophy there are 5 main elements that govern the cycle of life and energy

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Chinese philosophy in general, there are 5 main elements that govern the cycle of life and energy, each of which is associated with a season of the year: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

Each person contains within themselves characteristics of each Element but the way in which they manifest themselves, and their proportion, makes each of us absolutely unique. Normally, one or two elements prevail over the others, and this prevalence is what dictates our physical and mental tendencies.

Wood / Fire / Earth / Metal / Water are the five Elements on which Traditional Chinese Medicine is based.
I cinque Elementi in MTC


The Wood constitution  

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the element Wood is linked to Spring. It's the time of year when Yang takes over from Yin. Nature recovers after the winter rest and begins a new cycle; it is a moment associated with childhood, a symbol of rebirth.

The Wood constitution belongs to a person who is generally long-limbed and of good physical structure, with well-formed muscles and indisputable pragmatic and rational qualities. They are loyal and altruistic persons, who are not afraid of responsibilities and new projects, who have great determination and an innate combativeness in achieving his goals, even if they can sometimes appear rigid.

«The Wood stands up, flexible and strong, like the tree that leverages its sap and its roots to rise splendidly upwards, to unfold its branches that shake in the wind»*

The determination to face new situations and projects are a key characteristic of this element, as are reactivity and the ability to "look far ahead". It is no coincidence that, among the orifices, the one associated with this element is the eye, and the symbolic animal that best represents it is the tiger: courageous, bursting but at the same time capable of planning (far-sightedness) and of mediating between aggression and self control. In ancient China, warriors and generals were chosen in this constitution.

The organ associated with this element is the Liver. The Liver represents, in a human, the movement of elevation, the gushing, the momentum, the impetuous determination of the beginnings, which is explained according to the richness and solidity of the base on which it rests (the roots of the tree). The wind is the setting in motion, the breath that animates and awakens the world and the land mass, which carries the seeds of life and unfolds especially in Spring. The strength linked to the Liver is muscular strength. Anger and wind are the great pathogenic factors of the Wood constitution, precisely because both are the maximum representatives of its power: a liver cannot be without wind and without anger, but must control and dominate them.

Too much Yang can lead to too much aggression and anger. A lack of Yang can lead to an apparent excess of Yin and the person becomes shy and insecure, prone to crying, changeable and with problems related to movement.
A person with a Wood constitution will particularly benefit from contact with Nature. A nice walk in the woods or in contact with the trees will always do they a lot of good. Furthermore, all those activities that relax the tissues (muscles and tendons) and lengthen them are generally recommended, to maintain both physical and mental flexibility. They should avoid fried foods, avoid flavors that are too bitter or salty, and drink purifying herbal teas of dandelion and artichoke.

The color associated with Wood is Green or Blue-turquoise; its taste is acidic. The recommended stone for this constitution is Aventurine, or Azurite.

The trigram associated with Wood is ZHEN, lightning and thunder, its energy is the bursting energy of spring, and it is made up of two broken lines (yin) with a continuous base (yang line), a base of solidity in excitement, which in the human body corresponds to the FOOT, together with XUN, the wind, which has a powerful upward development but a Yin base (broken line), therefore weak:

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Recommended essential oils:

  • Lavender
  • Grapefruit
  • Sweet orange

Recommended massages:

  • Thai Massage - because it acts deeply on the tissues and makes them more flexible
  • Swedish Massage - because it works on all tissues with a lot of mixing
  • Maori® Massage - because it works with woods and is a deep relaxant
  • Wood

    The Fire constitution  

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine the element of Fire is linked to Summer. It is the time of the year when Yang is at its maximum splendor, the Sun at its Zenith, the heat everywhere.

    The Fire constitution belongs to a person generally of medium height, not particularly tall, with a massive and muscular build, although there is a sub-type with a slimmer appearance. What characterizes them above all is the harmony in their movements, they move as if dancing. They are persons full of energy and vitality, always on the move and with rapid and lively gestures, bright eyes, generally pale complexion but with redness. They are passionate and extroverted persons, who quickly gets fired up, charismatic and exuberant idealists. If in excess of Yang, they can be bold and aggressive; if in deficiency, they can have depressive illnesses, be fragile in the vessels and small intestine, suffer from malabsorption (anemia, amenorrhea, diarrhea, etc.).

    Among the orifices, the one associated with this element is the tongue, important not only because with it we recognize the real flavor of a substance, but also because with it we express, through words, the richness of the heart; one expresses one's feelings, moods, and voluntarily modulates one's vital breath. Their symbolic animal is the monkey: intelligent, dynamic, always on the move and always joking, funny, cheerful, mischievous, they need to be in a group and always be stimulated.

    «The heart is, in human, the one who holds the place of the sovereign (...); it propagates everywhere the fire of life, the power and the taste for living that come out, perpetually, from the void in which it shelters the Spirits »*

    The Fire constitution is linked to the Heart, and an excess of Yang can lead to cardiovascular and blood pressure problems. If unbalanced he may feel the weight of things to do, be oppressed by worries, become unusually pessimistic, agitated, lose sleep. This person needs to stop every now and then and learn to listen to themselves to understand that they need to rest and calm the Yang, both physical and emotional. Relaxing massages, even if only intended as a moment of rest to take for oneself, or decontracting ones, in the case of excess yang, are highly recommended, as are all activities that rest the spirit, such as Yoga meditation. Avoid roasted foods.

    The color associated with Fire is Red; its taste is bitter. The recommended stone for this constitution is Carnelian or red Jasper.
    In ancient China, artists, dancers, and creative people were often people of this constitution.

    The trigram associated with the Fire Element is LI, made up of two external continuous lines (yang) and a broken internal line (yin), it brings joy and stability but must be nourished in its central core:

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    Red Jasper

    Red Jasper

    Recommended essential oils:

    • Rose
    • Jasmine
    • Neroli
    • Patchouli

    Recommended massages:

  • Deep Tissue Massage - because it loosens and drains the muscles
  • Lomi Lomi Hawaian Massage - because it is a muscle relaxant that works on the body like a flow of water, and therefore incorporates the Water element into the Fire Yang force
  • Californian - because with its delicacy it can help counterbalance excess energy
  • Fire

    The Earth constitution  

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Earth element is linked to the end of Summer. It is the time of the year when Yang is in its waning phase and Yin has made room within it. Nature is at the moment of greatest prosperity, the harvest is abundant and the land is rich in fruits that were filled with vital energy during the summer.

    The Earth constitution belongs to a person who is generally of medium height and with a full but not very muscular build, generally lax at the tendon level and a tendency to be overweight. They are calm and quiet, generous and conciliatory, welcoming and flexible, wise, who move with slow and somewhat heavy gestures, and they don't like change much, but they are methodical and organized and equipped with practical intelligence. They are great lovers of all the pleasures of life, but must learn to avoid excesses.
    Among the orifices, the one associated with this element is the mouth; its symbolic animal is the bear, which with its majesty, greatness despite its size, with its calmness and its sure, well-balanced proceeding perfectly represents the opulence and stability given by the Earth. In ancient China, the members of this element were the Doctors, or the Librarians.

    The Earth constitution is linked to the Spleen/Stomach pair, considered in Traditional Chinese Medicine the "granary" of the body, where energy and food reserves are accumulated.

    «The spleen is the organ capable of receiving everything and distributing everything; it is the master organ of transformations that ensures the correct assimilations, maintenance and permanent reconstruction of life"*

    This is a person who is generally in good health, but can suddenly become ill. An imbalance can lead to metabolic problems, gastritis or diabetes, or - on a mental level - to developing dependence on others or being overprotective. This person needs to follow her rhythms without feeling overwhelmed by external stimuli. Movement, even as simple as walking, if done consistently is very good for them, removing the risk of generating energy blocks, both on a physical and mental level (brooding). They should avoid boiled foods, eat little meat and sweets and prefer fish and fruit.

    The color associated with the Earth is Yellow, Ocher and in general all the colors of the Earth; its flavor is sweet, understood not as a confectionery and sugary product (which is always bad for health), but as carbohydrates, rice, millet, wheat: the quintessential flavor of cereals produced by the earth. The stone associated with this constitution is Tiger's Eye or Amber.

    The trigram of the Earth Element is KUN, made up of three broken lines (yin), welcoming like a womb capable of fertilizing, which in the human body corresponds to the ABDOMINAL CAVITY; and GEN, the Mount, which represents the empty transition period between one cycle and another:

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    Tiger's Eye

    Tiger's Eye

    Recommended essential oils:

    • Ylang ylang
    • Peppermint
    • Sandal

    Recommended massages:

  • Californian Massage - because with its delicacy it works on the emotional part
  • Thai Oil Massage - because it works on the Thai meridians and reharmonizes the person
  • Chinese Meridians Massage - because it works mainly on the Earth Element of the Chinese meridians
  • Earth

    The Metal constitution  

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine the element Metal is linked to Autumn. It is the time of the year when Yin is in the ascendant phase and takes its place compared to Yang. Nature prepares for winter by eliminating the superfluous and focusing on the fundamental things. It is a season of transformation and internalization.

    The Metal constitution belongs to a person who is generally long-limbed and thin and has a delicate and frail appearance, poorly developed muscles, loose ligaments, of a lymphatic type. Thay have a generally polite and composed, relaxing manner; they are calm, dreamy, but extremely meticulous and precise persons, endowed with an abstract, witty and brilliant, very rational intelligence, rigorous and with a great sense of justice. They have large but judgmental eyes, which can be cold and merciless. When in balance they are a volcano of ideas but tend to forget the emotional part of them. In ancient China, people belonging to this element often became Judges.

    «Metal is the prototype of the condensed, dried matter within the Earth. Metal is the completed and hardened form; it is also the possibility of the loss of this form, with fusion, which allows diffusion, and then a new form (just as Autumn is the season in which everything reaches complete maturation, but to be cut, destroyed, eaten)»*

    Among the orifices, the one associated with this element is the nose, while its symbolic animal is the crane, which with its ability to remain in balance and deploy its energies (wings) can fly high, seek the purity and rarefaction of Sky.

    The Metal constitution is linked to the Lung; an imbalance can lead to pessimism and sadness, mood instability, poor aptitude for physical work, withdrawal from others, fussiness and distrust. He gets sick easily at the pulmonary level.

    The color associated with Metal is White, symbol of purity and sum of all colors; its flavor is spicy, which strongly recalls the concrete, something that this constitution, being very mental, needs. The stone associated with this constitution is White Agate.

    The trigram associated with Metal is QIAN, the sky; it is made up of three continuous overlapping lines (yang), they symbolize strength, solidity and authority, and in the human body it represents the HEAD; and DUI, the Lake, which represents creativity:

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    White Agate

    White Agate

    Recommended essential oils:

    • Eucalyptus
    • Tea tree

    Recommended massages:

  • Thai Oil Massage - because it reharmonizes the body on a physical and emotional level
  • Cranio-Sacral Massage - because it helps you listen to your body
  • Chinese Meridians Massage - because it helps to let go of the emotions related to rooting
  • Metal

    The Water constitution  

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine the element of Water is linked to Winter. It is the time of the year when Yin is at its highest and nature seems asleep. It is the moment of rest, where it is necessary to conserve and hoard the energy accumulated during the summer and set aside during the autumn. The rhythms slow down, the body closes in on itself to nourish its internal energies.

    «Water is the source of life; docile, it lends itself to every mutation; persevering, he always ends up going and arriving where he needs to. Liquid water penetrates the depths of the soil and flows towards the sea; vapor, it forms the clouds of the Sky or insinuates itself into the compact masses; ice, it blocks but also protects»*

    The Water constitution belongs to a person who is generally long-limbed and frail but with the upper part of the body narrower than the lower part, where the Yin descends and deposits. They may suffer from water stagnation and swelling. On a character level, they are generally sociable and extremely malleable persons, with a great ability to adapt to circumstances, sensitive and calm, but with a strong spirit of determination and brilliant intuition. Sometimes it can be very difficult to read the heart of a Water person; the mystery and depth are often too dense, and they themselves do not tell the truth, especially if they have suffered strong childhood traumas.
    In ancient China, the Emperor's Advisors were chosen among the exponents of this element, for their ability - if in balance - to probe the deepest recesses of the human soul.

    The orifice linked to the Water constitution is the ear; its symbolic animal is the deer: watchful and attentive, it proceeds with graceful leaps but only when it feels sure of the terrain in which it is moving.

    The Water constitution is linked to the Kidney organ, which has an important draining and purifying function. If in psycho-physical imbalance they have a tendency to give little value to their affections and exploit every means to achieve their goals, or vice versa to suffer from exhaustion, have a tendency to please others too easily and be insecure and prey to fear.

    The color associated with water is dark blue, almost black, typical of deep and unfathomable water, or of the night; its flavor is salty which, if thought in relation to the natural element mother of life which is the Sea, reflects the eternal attraction, opposition and complementarity between salt and water. The stone associated with this constitution is Black Tourmaline; in general also all lava stones.

    The Water trigram is KAN, consisting of two external broken lines (yin) and an internal continuous line (yang):

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    It is a nature that adapts to any container, apparently weak on the outside, but with a very strong center.

    Read also: Fear is our strength: the Kidney Meridian and Awareness

    Black Tourmaline

    Black Tourmaline

    Recommended essential oils:

    • Virginia Cedar
    • Cypress
    • Ginger
    • Thyme

    Recommended massages:

  • Sciamanic Massage - because it allows you to move all the connective tissue
  • Draining Massage - because it has a deep draining action on all tissues
  • Swedish Massage - because it works on all the tissues and moves the Yin of the body upwards
  • Acqua

    © Copyright Eloise Lonobile - Ogni riproduzione vietata

    © Copyright Eloise Lonobile
    Ogni riproduzione vietata

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