Moxibustion, cutaneous needle, cupping, guasha, defined as "complementary techniques", are part with acupuncture, Tuina, pharmacology, and psycho-body techniques (TaijQi, Qigong), of that vast medical corpus of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), sharing its theoretical bases and energetic-type clinical approach. These techniques are able to meet the needs of all professionals who work in the various fields of health and wellness disciplines.
Cupping on the back area
Moxa cones - Moxibustion
Moxa cigars in box
The Complementary Techniques in Traditional Chinese Medicine, to be used individually or jointly depending on the objective to be achieved and the person's condition, are extraordinarily useful in cases of:
In any case, it is always advisable to seek the advice of a doctor to diagnose your disorder and get advice on the correct treatment to be performed.
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